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Featured Trainings & Workshops

The Intuition Institute

Featured Trainings & Workshops

Intuition & Writing - An Intuitive Experience to Access Insights and Creative Energy

Open the Door to Receive Intuitive Information and Creative Inspiration
This session opens up the door to accessing other states of conscious awareness as a way to access your higher intuitive abilities and information. Using a brief intro about intuition and how writing helps to anchor it, Author and Intuitive, Debra Moffitt, invites you into a high frequency guided experience to receive information, guidance and creative inspiration from your highest self. 

- Activate your intuitive abilities
- Access your higher potentials
- Gain clarity around projects and plans
- Tap into creative energies
- Listen deeply
- Benefit from higher states of awareness

You'll have an opportunity to share and ask questions.

Lasts about 60 minutes. Donation based.

Donate for the Intuiton & Writing Session Here

The Language of Energy

Exploration into Intuition, Healing & Life-Force

Date: Saturday Oct 19 2024 - at Champtauroz, 1537 (VD) - near Yverdon-les-Bains

Everything is energy. As we expand in consciousness, we become more aware of the energetic forces within and around us. Understanding energy, how it communicates with us, how to tap into it and how to transform and transmute it from lower density into higher frequencies can support us in being more insightful and intuitive, healthier, and abundant as we listen to and act on the information we receive. In this 1 day event, author and intuitive, Debra Moffitt and pranic energy practitioner, Tomi Ropanen, join forces to share insights, wisdom and guidance on exploring energy and intuition.

Who is this for: 

  • energy and body workers
  • coaches and consultants in mind, body, spirit who wish to deepen understanding of the language of energy and intuition
  • anyone who wants to learn more about the human energy field, the power of thoughts and how to use energy in ways to be of service
  • people who wish to understand more about their relationships, office dynamics and the relationships of energy between people.

Where : Atelier des Anges, 1537 Champtauroz (VD) 
15 minutes from Yverdon-les-Bains & 12 minutes from Estavayer le Lac
(3 minutes from the Golf  Vuissen)

We will help to connect you with others or pick you up at the Yvonand train station (about 10 minutes away) if needed.
Program (this is indicative only and may evolve)

Morning - Introduction to The Language of Energy, the subtle energy and practical and real ways it influences our daily lives            Guided meditation experience to tap into the Universal Life Force
    • Guided meditation experience to connect with the Universal Life Force
    • Anchoring Experiences in Writing
    • Reflections & Group Sharing
Lunch Break - Lunch served at the venue

Afternoon - Deeper Explorations into Energy, Nature and Healing
  • Understanding and working with the human energy system
    • Principles, practices, and Prana - Five Koshas (five layers of the subtle body), Chakras, Nadis (energy-centers and energetic highways of the subtle body)
    • Hands-on practices with Prana
    • Approaching, befriending with the spirits and energy of nature outdoors
Guide & Facilitator: Tomi Ropanen - Energy Practitioner
Tomi Ropanen is an experienced energy practitioner with an ability to perceive and gently work with individuals’ energetic system for rejuvenation and healing. Based on each person´s needs Tomi combines intuitively in his treatments various healing techniques such as Pranic healing, Marma Point therapy as well as Ayurvedic massage. He has practiced Yoga for two decades and studied healing modalities with renowned teachers. Again and again, he is amazed by the great transformative and revitalizing power of Prana, the life-force of the Universe😊 Tomi is Finnish and lives near Bern.

Guide & Facilitator: Debra Moffitt - Author & Intuitive
Award-winning author and Intuitive, Debra seeks to empower people to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and intuition. She has taught at many venues in the US and Europe, including the Esalen Institute and the Sophia Institute. Her books are translated into many languages and have won awards in the US. She also hosts a popular podcast, The Oneness Connection. Find out more at Debra is American and has an atelier near Yverdon-les-Bains.

An Intuitive Experience to Activate Your  Psychic Abilities

Renewing Your Natural Psychic Gifts for the Golden Age

As we move once again into the elevated states of consciousness on the earth, the memories of this time are returning for many. So are the potentials to reconnect with and reclaim the gifts humanity developed from this time. We'll also bring in energies and connections to support in releasing any traumas associated with "psychic burnout" - from the overwhelm of what happened in humanity's past. It will not be repeated this time around.

June 2024 - Intro + 3 consecutive dates

Atlantis Rising
Intuition in the Golden Age

Do you remember Atlantis? I do. It was an exquisite place with the focus on oneness and spiritual life at its heart -- when the civilization was at its apex. I remember the flow, ease and collective consciousness and the harmony experienced there, the natural intuitive connections. I also remember the destruction of the lands brought about by the misuse of high-level technologies, and some of the sadness remains with me to this day. I was one among many who warned about the imminent destruction if we abused the powerful technologies. And I still see areas of this place in my inner vision that were so beautiful and dear to me as they collapsed and Atlantis went down.

Some Atlantean Principles:

  • Everyone has psychic abilities, but they only work when you use and develop them.
  • Intuitive abilities develop as we live in harmony with the whole and cultivate inner states of wholeness, oneness.
  • Everyone has telepathic abilities that are accessible.
  • Working with dreams and symbols is natural.
  • Many of you may remember using crystals and crystal technologies.
  • Psychic/intuitive abilities for self-healing become more easily accessible.

Are You Open to Reconnecting with Your Intuitive Gifts?
One of the aspects that humanity experienced was a trauma around the use of our intuitive abilities. It's now time to reclaim them and invite the reconnection to occur - if you're willing and feel inspired to,

In the coming days and weeks you may feel inspired to notice flashes of this Atlantean time as memories resurface. The Atlantean time which is characterized by beautiful architecture -- white, crystalline, smooth surfaces and very high vibrational frequencies.

Développement de l'Intuition

Gérer votre champ d'énergie pour une intuition plus claire
  Atelier gratuit via Zoom

mercredi, 29 nov. - 19h30 - 18h30
détails ci-dessous
Intuition et écriture

Intuition et inspiration créative - écrire pour ancrer vos idées et votre vision pour 2024 et au-delà

Samedi, 2 décembre - 14h - 16h
détails ci-dessous

Développement de l'intuition

Amplifiez vos capacités intuitives

Dimanche, 10 décembre - 16h - 18h
détails ci-dessous
