Intuitive Sessions

Intuitive Sessions for greater insight and clarity 

Intuitive readings help bring in clarity and insight. Debra is an intuitive with years of training and experience who has worked with thousands of clients around the world. Each reading is as unique as you are and aims to give you more information aligned with your highest aspirations. Many people seek more information about career choices, business decisions and projects, relationships, purpose, spiritual questions and more.

Debra provides insights to amplify understanding of current situations, better understand relationships, gain more clarity on creative projects, deepen spiritual life and more. She is an award-winning author and experienced intuitive. Her books have been translated into several languages.

“Intuitive consultation can help you stay one step ahead, enable you to make better decisions and see more clearly.”
Debra has over fifteen years' experience with clients worldwide. (Consultations in English, French and Italian).

Offer yourself an intuitive consultation and open the door to your highest potentials


Before sessions, you're invited to send photos of people or places you would like more information about. A photo is a way to tune in. Think of old radios and how you need to turn the dial to find the right channel or station. Intuitive readings are similiar. A photo and some additional info during the live session, like where does the person live and what do they do, help Debra to "find the frequency" and dial in.

Everything is accessible in the Field of Oneness and nothing is really hidden. But information comes in according to what is most beneficial for you at the moment. The insights shared open up a broader perspective on the conscious and often unconscious aspects and intentions of partners, business associates, colleagues, family, friends, neighbors and even pets. And also of yourself.

All intuitive information is provided in alignment with your highest self and benevolent Source to bring in what is needed. It brings you more information, understanding and energies so you can make better-informed decisions and understand current situtations and past events as well as future potentials. There is also an energetic aspect of each session that brings in supportive and balancing energies.

Intuitive Readings

Intuitive readings help bring in clarity and insight. Debra is an intuitive with years of training and experience who has worked with thousands of clients around the world. Each reading is as unique as you are and aims to give you more information aligned with your highest aspirations. Many people seek more information about career choices, business decisions and projects, relationships, purpose, spiritual questions and more.

See the reviews and comments at the bottom of the page.
How sessions work: Debra tunes into the field of Oneness and perceives your energy and the energy around the situation and the people involved with the intention of bringing in the most beneficial information. The information that comes in may help you to perceive and shift patterns in work and relationships, invite in healing, and stimulate creative energy.
Information may point to strong potentials for future events, but nothing is written in stone and you have the power to evolve and shift them. The future you create unfolds based on your intentions, energy, choices and free will. Readings support you to refine and regain your vision for what you want and help you to gain clarity and understanding around issues current and past, and future potentials. Readings take place via Skype, on Zoom, or in-person. This link will tell you more about Debra and her psychic abilities. Reviews are also on Facebook - Debra Moffitt Author and on LinkedIn.
The information that comes through a session aims to empower you to make better decisions using your discernment. You are always encouraged to trust and develop your own inner wisdom and guidance and act in alignment with what resonates with you and leave the rest.

Debra est phénoménale dans sa capacité à saisir ce qu'elle ne pourrait pas savoir en se basant simplement sur son expérience et son savoir personnel. La séance avec elle était une aide très précieuse et une guérison. 
Pam T.

“Ma consultation avec Debra a été très perspicace et encourageante. Elle peut vous aider à vous ouvrir aux possibilités qui vous attendent si vous le permettez. Elle vous dira ce qu'elle perçoit et sait, et se concentrera sur les domaines dans lesquels vous aimeriez avoir plus de conseils. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une "consultation", j'ai eu l'impression de parler à une amie. Je recommande vivement ses consultations intuitives.” 
Debra F., Mere et femme d’affaire

Cette séance intuitive a été incroyablement utile et puissante. Les consultations de Debra valent vraiment la peine. A tel point que je me suis immédiatement inscrite pour un forfait de 10 séances. Je ne saurais trop recommander 
Debra ! 
Camilla H., auteure/scenariste

Debra est est capable d'écouter patiemment et de décrire intuitivement les problèmes entourant les défis et les étapes à suivre. Cela a permis de clarifier ce qui s'avérait n'être que de la poudre aux yeux. Je suis heureux d'avoir eu la possibilité d'obtenir un retour d'information et de clarifier ma situation afin de progresser. Hautement recommandé. - Paul G., Entrepeneur d’un start-up

Ce fut une heure puissante qui a révélé des changements simples en moi depuis que je l'ai eue. Debra est une personne naturelle et s'est vraiment assise en présence de moi, elle a vu plus que ce que je savais être visible. Depuis la séance, je suis plus détendue avec certaines choses qui me stressaient et plus patiente avec certaines attentes. Je reviendrai ! 
- Jeanne S., Coach et Femme d’affaire